Steps to GoGold Ownership

How to Become Part of Our Family of Owners.
While GoGold offers a truly unique Gold Jewellery franchise opportunity, we strive to make joining our team both a convenient and exciting experience.

Review the process below and take your first steps toward ownership today:

Initial Inquiry:

Let’s schedule a time to connect so you can learn more about the unique culture of our brand and the amazing franchise opportunities available in your market. Once we determine if we are a good fit for each other, we will move on to the application phase.

Application Process:

Complete the Non-Disclosure Agreement and GoGold Franchise Application and submit via email. We will then schedule a formal kick-off to begin the franchise awarding process.

Phase 1 Call

Formal introduction to our brand and understanding the business model. After this phase is completed, you will be disclosed with a copy of our current Franchise Disclosure Document and have the opportunity to discuss any questions you may have.

Phase 2 Call

Getting Down To Business: Discuss the entire development process from signing the franchise agreement to opening your doors on grand opening day. The support that you receive from our team during every phase is what sets us apart from other brands. We love our owners just as much as they love us!

Financial Approval:

Bank statements are submitted for approval and we will be happy to introduce you to our preferred lenders that are familiar with our model.

Franchise Validation:

You will have the opportunity to speak to our existing Go Gold Jewellery Kiosk franchise owners and hear about their overall experience with the brand. We’re ok if they brag on us a little!

Hospitality Day:

You will be invited to our headquarters in Dubai to meet the team and have a a tour and lunch in our office. This is the final approval process.


Review Disclosure

Grab any desk in the common area — 1 day/mo included. Bring your device, pick a seat, and get to work. Also includes: